Common Core and Hitler's Youth


Dean Gotcher

 "Hitler himself has obviously followed very carefully such a procedure."  Kurt Lewin

"Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders. And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity. Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD."  Jeremiah 9: 4-6

A "hierarchy of leaders has to be trained which reach out into all essential sub-parts of the group."  "Hitler himself has obviously followed very carefully such a procedure." "The democratic procedure will have to be as thorough and as solidly based on group organization."  (Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne, Human Relations in Curriculum Change)  The object of socialism, whether national, i.e., fascist, or globalist, i.e., Communist (Transformational Marxist classify Traditional Communism as Fascist) is to negate the father's/Father's authority, taking its place instead, the former with a man, the latter with a group, i.e., a directorate, i.e., a politburo, i.e., a consensus group, etc.,. Kurt Lewin is the "father" of "group dynamics."  How to "Unfreeze" you from your old way of thinking and acting, i.e. detach you from loyalty to your parents and the home. "Unfreezing ... adopted from Lewinian change theory, refers to the process of disconfirming an individual's former belief system [not his belief alone but the system of belief itself]."  (Irvin Yalom, The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy)  "In brief, unfreezing is the breaking down of the mores, customs and traditions of an individual – the old ways of doing things – so that he is ready to accept new alternatives."  (Edger Schein and Warren Bennis, Personal and Organizational Change Through Group Methods: The Laboratory Approach "Move" you to the new way of thinking and acting through loyalty to the group. "The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs ['change's his way of thinking and acting from loyalty to (identity with) the Father (individualism) to loyalty (identity with) the group (socialism)] by accepting belongingness to the group."  (Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne, Human Relations in Curriculum Change)   And "Refreeze" you in the new way of thinking and acting, i.e. putting your loyalty to the group into practice, questioning, challenging, and negating the authority of the Father in the home and therefore in society.  Common Core is based upon this "democratic procedure" negating, in the minds and actions of the next generation, the sovereignty of the home (protected by representative government and limited government so the Father could train His children up in his image) as guaranteed under the Constitution.

As Hitler had to destroy the traditional home, i.e. negating the Father's authority over His children, under God, in the thoughts and actions of His children (making himself the Father's authority, i.e. God), so that he could use the children for his own national socialist program so the "Hitler" of today has to destroy the traditional home, i.e. negate the Father's authority over His children, under God, in the thoughts and actions of His children (making mankind, i.e. society, i.e. "the group," the Father's authority, i.e. God), so that he can use the children for his own global socialist program, i.e. "Making the world safe for Marxism, i.e. under the name of 'democracy.'"  Key to it all is the "searing" of that which is engendered by the Father's authority, i.e. the "guilty conscience," supplanting it with the "super-ego," the "voice of the village, i.e. the group, i.e. the common-unity cause," based upon the stimulus-response programming of the consensus process, as the charts on page 8 from Deloitte, Mitigating the Insider Threat, Building a Secure Workforce.pdf reveal ("self above the rules," according to dialectic reasoning, is actually the Father's authority, i.e. the Lord God, now regarded by "the group" as conflicting with the rules of the process of 'change').  Through the use of "cognitive dissonance," where the person has to choose between his belief (his soul, individualism, under God) and belonging to the group (survival of the flesh), the pressure for group unanimity (consensus) "stresses" the person into going with the group (socialism) ("or else").  Cognitive dissonance (micro-terrorism) is: "The lack of harmony between what one does and what one believes."  "The pressure to change either one's behavior or ones belief [the believer must be willing to stand alone with his belief, i.e. be a witness, i.e. become a martyr in the face of the group or become an agnostic or atheist for the sake of "group approval," i.e. "group think," with his flesh naturally siding with the group]."  (Ernest R. Hilgard, Introduction to Psychology)

Karl Marx wrote: "Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the heavenly [Holy] family, the former must be destroyed [annihilated] in theory and in practice."  (Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis # 4)    Karl Marx taught "that it is men who change circumstances and that the educator must himself be educated. [if 'change,' the child's "feelings," are to become a 'reality' then the educator himself must become as a child, freed from the Father's authority]."  (Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #3)   Sigmund Freud believed that: "'It is not really a decisive matter whether one has killed one's father or abstained from the deed,' if the function of the conflict and its consequences are the same [the Father no longer functions with a Father's authority in the home]." (Sigmund Freud in Herbert Marcuse, Eros and Civilization)  Both knew that only by negating the Father's authority (for Marx, in society, for Freud, in the individual's thoughts and actions), could "prejudice" be negated  ("common cause," i.e. consensus, superseding the "top-down" system of right-wrong thinking and acting) Only when "common cause" could supersede "prejudice" (the pre-set standards of the Father inculcated into his children) could society transcend the right-wrong thinking and acting of the Father and 'change' become a way of life.  The civil rights movement, for example, hinged upon Martin Luther King Jr.s experiences of 1) his father's confrontation with a white man, rationally, i.e. through discussion (persuasion without using "physical force" in the here-and-now) challenging and changing the white man's prejudiced position, and 2) his best friends father telling his best friend he (a white boy) could no longer have relations with Martin.  The lessons being, adult's confronting adults, thought having some success, leave the source of prejudice, i.e. the father's authority in place, that only with the youth (college age included) confronting the adult culture (the "past," prejudice), in non-violent protest (treating the father's authority as 'irrational' and therefore as 'irrelevant') could the next generation experience synthesis ("oneness" based upon 'justifying' "feelings" over and against right-wrong thinking and acting), i.e. a life freed of the Father's authority.  Martin Luther King Jr. wrote: "The philosopher Hegel said that truth is not found in the thesis nor the antithesis [truth is found neither in the child's or the Father's position] but in an emerging synthesis which reconciles the two [the child's and the Father's common "feelings" (dissatisfaction with or resentment toward) being told what to do and not to do becoming the foundation for outcome, which negates the Father's authority in the thoughts and actions in both the Father and the child]."  (Martin Luther King Jr.,  Strength to Love

Through the youth dialoguing amongst themselves vis-à-vis adult issues, they to, in the classroom, could experience the same 'liberation.' "For re-education seems to be increased whenever a strong we-feeling is created."  "Practice of the good group procedures suggested in this book has led to increasingly effective work in furnishing the best possible educational opportunities for the youth in schools."   (Kenneth Benne, Human Relations in Curriculum Change)  The nemesis to global socialism (communitarianism, democratization, conscietization) being, "the people," once freed of the "guilty conscience," once 'liberated' from the Father's authority tend to turn to national socialism, preventing 'change.'  It was up to educators, as therapist (as facilitators of 'change'), to prevent such aberration "Prior to therapy [prior to the "consensus-dissensus classroom," i.e. the student centered experience] the person is prone to ask himself  'What would my parents want me to do?'  During the process of therapy the individual comes to ask himself 'What does it mean to me?' [to then ask himself 'What would the group think,' to eventually ask himself what is "good" for society and the environment, i.e. for the community]."  (Carl Rogers, on becoming a person: A Therapist View of Psychotherapy)  As Abraham Maslow put it: "Self-actualizing people have to a large extent transcended the values of their culture. They are not so much merely Americans as they are world citizens, members of the human species first and foremost." (Abraham Maslow, The Further Reaches of Human Nature)  Karl Marx wrote: "It is not individualism that fulfills the individual, on the contrary it destroys him.  Society is the necessary framework through which freedom and individuality are made realities." (Karl Marx)  "The essence of man is not an abstraction inherent in each particular individual."  "The real nature of man is the totality of social relations."  (Karl Marx, Thesis on Feuerbach # 6)  The response to home schooling parents, when they tell people that they are schooling their children at home, "What about their social life" reveals the Marxist influence this nation has been under for decades.  What people are actually saying is "What about their Marxist life?" without knowing it. To better understand this 'change' from private property (the personal conscience, i.e. the voice of the Father, being the most sacred of properties), i.e. to where now public-private property (public-private partnership based upon the consensus process and the "super-ego," i.e. "the voice of the village") is the basis for worth or value of the individual.  Please listen to this audio by Phil Worts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 for an explication of 'change,' regarding culture and property.

For socialism, whether national or global to become a 'reality,' the Father's authority over His children has to be negated.  So we have arrived today, the media enamored with "Hitler" (this time of a global aura), the public singing his praises, the schools training up his children, only this time going down the broad path to Armageddon and judgment, with none, in and out of government, daring to question his "Making the world safe for democracy."  Carl Rogers explained it this way:  "We know how to disintegrate a man's personality structure, dissolving his self-confidence, destroying the concept he has of himself, and making him dependent on another. [Doing what Carl Roger's himself called] brainwashing [washing from the brain the Father's authority, the derivation of traditional Nationalism]." "We can choose to use our growing knowledge to enslave people in ways never dreamed of before, depersonalizing them, controlling them by means so carefully selected that they will perhaps never be aware of their loss of personhood." (Carl Rogers, as quoted in People Shapers, by Vance Packard)  "We can achieve a sort of control under which the controlled, though they are following a code much more scrupulously than was ever the case under the old system, nevertheless feel free.  They are doing what they want to do, not what they are forced to do.  That's the source of the tremendous power of positive reinforcement―there's no restrain and no revolt." "By a careful design, we control not the final behavior, but the inclination to behavior―the motives, the desires, the wished. The curious thing is that in that case the question of freedom never arises."  "If we have the power or authority to establish the necessary conditions the predicted behaviors will follow."  (Carl Rogers, on becoming a person: A Therapist View of Psychotherapy)

"Kurt Lewin emphasized that the child takes on the characteristic behavior of the group in which he is placed. . . . he reflects the behavior patterns which are set by the adult leader of the group."  (Wilbur Brookover, A Sociology of Education)  While the Fascist' and the Traditional Marxist  ("Dictator of the Proletariat") used the same traditional classroom method of indoctrination to inculcate their ideology, Transformational Marxist (identifying the Fascist and the Traditional Marxist, i.e. Soviet Russia as being the same in system, i.e. "top-down"), i.e. recognizing that their control of education was key to 'change,' knew that the very procedure of education in the classroom itself had to be changed if 'change' (globalism, i.e. "Hegemony of the Proletariat") was to be properly initiated and sustained.  "An examination of the role of education in the revolutionary processes in Hitlerian Germany and Soviet Russia demonstrates that a new controlling group can use the educational system to advantage to bringing about the changes it desires.  This illustrates the effectiveness of the educational system in indoctrinating the youth with a desire for the type of society wanted by those in control. . . .  To do this they must persist in the maintenance of a new system long enough for controlling interests to be thoroughly indoctrinated in the new social system."  (ibid.)  Yet for globalism to overcome the "shortcomings" of Nationalism (Fascism) the "cultural atmosphere" of the classroom itself had to be 'changed.'   "A change in methods of leadership is probably the quickest way to bring about a change in the cultural atmosphere of a group."  "Changing a group atmosphere from autocracy [the Father's authority in the classroom, represented by the teacher giving commands to the children, to be obeyed without question, using chastening to reinforce them and his or her position of authority] toward democracy [where the teacher becomes a facilitator of 'change,' encouraging the children to dialogue their opinions, how they feel and what they think (there is no Father's authority in the dialoguing of opinions)—dialogue negates revelation] through a democratic leadership [teacher-student partnership] means that the autocratic followers [the child's loyal to their Father's authority] must shift toward a genuine acceptance of the role of democratic followers [to where their loyalty is now to the group, i.e. to society, over and against his Father's authority]."  "To change a group atmosphere toward democracy the democratic leader has to be in power [he has do "whatever it takes" to stay in power] and has to use his power for active re-education [re-education being the word used for brainwashing, i.e. washing from the victims brain loyalty to his Father and His authority]."  "The more the group members become converted to democracy the more can the power of the democratic leader shift to other ends than converting the group members."  (Kenneth Benne, Human Relations in Curriculum Change)  "In the dialogic relation of recognizing oneself in the other, they experience the common ground of their existence."  (Jürgen Habermas, Knowledge & Human Interest)

Common Core is the hope of the "new" world order, creating a generation of Hitler's Youth on steroids, working for the common-ist cause of globalism, doing "whatever it takes" to keep their "man" and the process of 'change' in office, i.e. having no respect for, i.e. refusing to recognize, i.e. negating the Father's authority (the sovereignty of nations) around the world, disregarding, intimidating, and attacking (removing) any who recognize, respect, and support the Father's authority, negating the sovereignty of nations and the right of the individual, under God, alone—in the name of "Democracy," i.e. for the cause of worldly peace and socialist harmony, called democratization. "Democratization has encouraged people to participate, 'glasnost' has allowed them to articulate their feelings, and pluralism has legitimated the rights of groups to form on the basis of a consciousness of self-interest."  (David Lane, Soviet Society under Perestroika)  The consequence of Common Core (the children dialoguing their opinions to a consensus) is the necessitating of a police state since the "guilty conscience," a product of the Father's authority (the voice of one restraining the child's "human nature"), is negated by the child's participation in Common Core (the voice of the collective 'justifying' the child's "human nature").

The "guilty conscience" (the voice of the one, i.e. of the Father) is, according to Robert Trojanowicz, the designer of the COPS program for the police "the key element in ensuring self-control."  He wrote: "The personal conscience is the key element in ensuring self-control, refraining from deviant behavior even when it can be easily perpetrated."  "The family, the next most important unit affecting social control, is obviously instrumental in the initial formation of the conscience and in the continued reinforcement of the values that encourage law abiding behavior."  "Unfortunately, because of the reduction of influence exerted by neighbors, the extended family and even the family [the Father's authority is no longer recognized and supported], social control is now often more dependent on external control [by the police state], than on internal self-control."  (Dr. Robert Trojanowicz, The meaning of "Community" in Community Policing)  Norman Brown, who wrote one of the two "Bibles" for the liberals in the 60's wrote: "What we call 'conscience' perpetuates inside of us our bondage to past objects [to the Father's authority] now part of ourselves:"  "The guilty conscience is formed in childhood by the incorporation of the parents and the wish to be father of oneself."  (Norman O. Brown, Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History)

The "guilty conscience" is negated by the super-ego (the voice of the group).  Brown wrote: "The superego 'unites in itself the influences [the child's desires] of the present and of the past.'"  (Norman O. Brown, Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History)  The Transformational Marxist, Theodor Adorno wrote: "It is a function of the ego to make peace with conscience, to create a larger synthesis within which conscience, emotional impulses, and self operate in relative harmony [this formula, making the Father's voice subject to the child's feelings and will, negates the "guilty conscience," the voice of the Father]."  "When this synthesis is not achieved, the superego has somewhat the role of a foreign body [the Father's voice] within the personality, and it exhibits those rigid, automatic, and unstable aspects discussed above." (Theodor Adorno The Authoritarian Personality)  Kenneth Benne wrote: "If the individual complies merely from fear of punishment rather than through the dictates of his free will and conscience, the new set of values he is expected to accept does not assume in him the position of super-ego, and his re-education therefore remains unrealized." (Kenneth Benne  Human Relations in Curriculum Change)  According to Benjamin Bloom, regarding his books which are based upon Transformational Marxist ideology, which have been used to certify educators and accredit schools since the 60's: "Therefore the levels of the Taxonomy should describe successive levels of goal setting appropriate to superego development [to the development of social-ism/common-ism in the child]."  (David Krathwohl, Benjamin Bloom et al. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Book 2: Affective Domain)

Bloom's Taxonomies, a "psychological classification system," inculcating in the next generation of citizens "that truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and fast truths which exist for all time and places," are the foundation for Common Core.  As Karl Marx set out to "annihilate" the Father's authority so did Sigmund Freud: "Freud speaks of religion [faith in, love of, respect for, dependence upon, and fear of the Father, i.e. of God] as a 'substitute-gratification'– the Freudian analogue to the Marxian formula, 'opiate of the people.'"  (Norman O. Brown,  Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History Both Marx and Freud built off of George Hegel who believed that the child (void the Father's authority) was the foundation of morality, i.e. that the world (the "lust" for pleasure) belonged to all equally, with not Father's authority residing over the family, property, or business (restraining "human nature," judging man's "lust" for pleasure as being evil or wrong).  "The child, contrary to appearance, is the absolute, the rationality of the relationship; he is what is enduring and everlasting, the totality which produces itself once again as such."  "On account of the absolute and natural oneness of the husband, the wife, and the child, where there is no antithesis of person to person or of subject to object [no "top-down" order], the surplus is not the property of one of them, since their indifference is not a formal or a legal one." (George Hegel, System of Ethical Life)  Thus Bloom, following after the ideology of Hegel, Marx, and Freud, could write in his Taxonomy: "The major impact of the new program is to develop attitudes and values toward learning which are not shared by the parents."  "There are many stores of the conflict and tension that these new practices are producing between parents and children." with teachers in the classroom being trained in "challenging the student's fixed beliefs." (David Krathwohl, Benjamin S. Bloom, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, The Classification of Educational Goals: Handbook 2, Affective Domain)  

"During the period of innovation ['change,' where emotions, desires, and hope is at the forfront], an environment is invisible [the 'changing' of leadership methods is unnoticed]. The present is always invisible because the whole field of attention is so saturated with it It becomes visible only when is has been superseded by a new environment [when the new leadership has taken over control]."  (Federal Education Grant, Dec. 1969,  Behavior Science in Teacher Education Program, p. 237)  Back in 1959, Gene Birkeland (pen name Ellen McClay), in her article "Deliver Us From Evil—Is there a 'new morality' displacing the old in America?" wrote: "In October, 1919, Lenin called upon Ivan Pavlov in Petrogra, for the answer to the question: 'How can human behavior be controlled?' "As a result of this meeting, Pavlov's research laboratories became out of bounds for even the super-powerful Soviet Cheka. Pavlov and his disciples were able to exercise complete freedom in their experiments [laboratories] to fulfill Lenin's dream of standardizing the Russian people by destroying their individualism through education using Pavlov's mind-conditioning techniques [Boris Sokoloff, The White Night—Pages from a Russian Doctor's Notebook]."    There are ten such NTL's, National Training Laboratories, in America today.

According to Hegel, the traditional parent-child "top-down" relationship engenders the individualization of the child (engenders the "guilty conscience," i.e. the parent's voice in the child, i.e. an "inner negativity" in the child for disobeying or thinking about disobeying his parents, for thinking about or going with the pleasures of the world, for becoming at-one-with the world in pleasure, for being "human," being "normal" in the 'moment,' against their will), and thus engenders "a greater inner negativity and therefore a higher individuality," inhibiting in the child (in the next generation of citizens) the socialist's universal agenda of creating a one world government, i.e. creating a "new" world order based upon "human nature" only (a world based upon "sense experience," i.e. "sensuous needs," and "sense perception," "all proceeding from nature only," Karl Marx), united all mankind upon pleasure, all 'purposed' upon the augmentation of the "enjoyment" of the flesh, i.e. building a world founded upon "lust" only (the word Hegel used for "enjoyment").  A "new" world order, initiating and "sustaining" abomination, is impossible with a citizenry with a "guilty conscience," since the "greater" the strength of the conscience, the stronger the individuality of the person, the less he is adaptable to 'change,' the less he is willing to and able to create a "new" world order of man, of "human nature" only.

Tyranny (and tyrants) can not rule when the citizenry have a "guilty conscience" for doing wrong, i.e. when the citizens have the right of "freedom of the conscience":  The conscience does not prohibit the child or adult from questioning and disobeying the proclamations of the one in authority, if they are in conflict with God, it simply prohibits him from questioning the right of the one in authority to make proclamations, under God, including his right to chasten those who disobey.  Freedom of the conscience, i.e. the right of the individual to question the King's (or government's) proclamation, under God, without  fear of punishment (the proclamation and punishment from God being greater than the proclamation and punishment from the King or government), came from the teachings of Roger Williams (the foundation of thought for the Declaration of Independence).  Freedom from the conscience on the other hand, i.e. the right of the individual to question the authority of the King, i.e. to question the authority of the government, comes through dialectic 'reasoning,' through the consensus process.  The consensus process (the dialectic process of 'change,' where man determines right and wrong according to his and others "feelings" and "thoughts" of the 'moment,' i.e. according to "human nature," man's desire for pleasure) requires (and engenders) a disrespect (and therefore a disregarding) of "top-down" authority (thereby negating freedom of the conscience).   Therefore, according to dialectic 'reasoning,' love of God (who's authority restrains what all men have in common, i.e. "human nature," i.e. their "lust" for pleasure) is regarded as hate of man and of the world, i.e. hate of nature.  Since any mention of God's judgment, i.e. His authority to judge man's carnal nature, i.e. condemning "human nature," i.e. judging it as being sinful, engendering a "guilty conscience" in those who hear and accept this way of thinking and acting, those of dialectic 'reasoning' (those children and adults participating in Common Core) perceive the "guilty conscience," the voice of the Father in the child, as being "negative" and therefore respond to as being hateful, i.e. respond to it as being a "hate crime."  In a dialectic world, i.e. in a world of consensus, a world based upon the "feelings" (the sensuousness) of "human nature," it is a "hate crime" to love a God who hates sin, i.e. who, instead of "tolerating" abomination, abhors it.

The American Revolution, which honored the Father's authority, is negated by the French Revolution.  The thirteen colonies were under the King of England's jurisdiction, as children under a Father's authority.  As long as he remained in authority as one with a conscience (only one can have a conscience, two or more negating it) the colonies (the children) did not have the right to (nor did they desire to) challenge his authority.  It was when he abdicated his office of authority, turning his control of the colonies over to the British Parliament (a group) that the colonies experienced unconscionable acts, i.e. Indians being paid to not only kill men but to kill women and children as well, for the British cause, that the colonies called the King a tyrant, i.e. the abdicating of his office of authority to a foreign power (to the British Parliament) being an act of tyranny.  Instead of the colonies killing the King, as those of the French Revolution did, they kept the King in office, only this time ruling over his family, property, and business, limiting the National, State, County, City, and township governments, dividing the Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary in each, so that the King, i.e. the Father, i.e. the law maker, executive, and judge over his family, land, and business could engender a "guilty conscience," i.e. accountability to a higher authority than "human nature," i.e. restraining man's "lust" for pleasure, producing a "civil society."  The same was true of the "church," "under the Lord God and the Lord Jesus Christ."

Representative government, along with the recognition of man's inalienable rights, under God, was key to the Constitution.  With the elected official being as a child sent by his Father (the constituents) to do His business, re-presenting Him, any child who misused or abused the Father's money was either chastened or no longer sent to re-present the Father.  As long as the child, the representative had a "guilty conscience" for disobedience to the Father's will he could represent the Father.  But when he no longer had a "guilty conscience" for going against the constituents principles, he no longer re-presented the Father (the constituents), but his own interests and the interests of other instead, using his office to take his constituents, i.e. the citizens into debt, under the rule of tyranny (the voice of the group, i.e. the collective, i.e. the super-ego overruling the voice of the one, i.e. the constituents, i.e. the "guilty conscience").  Through the use of the consensus process, representative government is negated, making the citizens subject to the directorate of the French Revolution (which was the same system of the Russian Revolution, with its soviets and Politburo—departments under each branch of government uniting [networking] them all as one—circumventing limited government—through the consensus process, i.e. the soviet process [a diverse group of people (some participants further along than others in the process of 'change,' "helping their more 'backward' members" participate in the process of 'change'), dialoguing to a consensus (there is no Father's authority in dialogue nor representative government in the consensus process), over socialist issues (there can be no issue of the soul, man accountable to God for his thoughts and actions, and eternity, i.e. eternal life or death, which engenders conviction, contrition, repentance for ones thoughts and actions before God, or right-wrong thinking which engenders a "guilty conscience," only issues dealing with the "felt" or carnal needs of mankind and the environment, i.e. the world), in a facilitated meeting (the facilitator of 'change' is necessary to initiate and sustain the process of 'change,' i.e. keeping the Father's authority out of the room, since the citizens by nature look for one to guide and direct them), to a pre-determined outcome (the process must be used to resolve all issues of life that would or could otherwise be resolved through the Father's authority)], negating representative government and inalienable rights, under God, replacing it with global governance and "human rights").  All who participate in Common Core are indoctrinated (programed) in the soviet (consensus) process.

"Bypassing the traditional channels of top-down decision making, our objective centers upon .... transform public opinion into an effective instrument of global politics." "Individual values must be measured by their contribution to common interests and ultimately to world interests.... transforming public consensus into one favorable to the emergence of a stable and humanistic world order." "Consensus is both a personal and a political step. It is a precondition of all future steps..."  (Ervin Laszlo, A Strategy for the Future: The Systems Approach to World Order)

This is where we find ourselves today, under the rule of a Hitler shaping the next generation of Hitler's youth (through Common Core) for global dominance, with those in National, State, County, City government [STW] (in the workplace [TQM], military [TQL], medical [HMO], police [COPS] and even in the "church" ["Church Growth," "Emerging Church," "Contemporary Church," etc.], etc.,) and International Government ["Sustainable Development"] in consensus, freed of the "guilty conscience," doing unconscionable things to their citizens, all for the sake of socialism and the environment [for the institution(s) of 'change'], i.e. "Making the world safe for Democracy." 

As noted by Stephen Erik Bronner and Martin Jay, by the 60's the Democratic party was taken over by the ideology of the "Frankfurt School," a group of Marxist who came to American in the early 30's, fleeing Hitler's Germany, i.e. national socialism.  Perceiving the Communists efforts to negate the Father's authority, i.e. take over Europe fail because the German people, in reaction against Marxism, reverting to Hitler as a father figure, they set out to get America and the world over the hump (mitigate the potential of Fascism) through the combined used of psychology and sociology (Marx and Freud), hiding Marxism, i.e. initiating and sustaining Marxism through the counseling process (therapy) in education, the workplace, government, and the church.  Theodor Adorno and Erick Fromm were members of the Frankfurt School.  Theodor Adorno's book The Authoritarian Personality was key to the restructuring of education in America, Bloom's Taxonomies' "Weltanschauung," i.e. world view, is based upon Adorno's as well as Erich Fromm's works, 'changing' the nation, bringing it under the ideology of global socialism.  Martin Jay, writing the history of the Frankfurt School, noted: "By The Authoritarian Personality 'revolutionary' had changed to the 'democratic.'"  (Martin Jay, The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research, 1923-1950)   According to Stephen Bronner, by the 60s' the Marxist Erich Fromm had made Marx lovable by the Democratic Party (the "Revolutionary Party"), i.e. what he called the "New Left."  "In fact, it is probably fair to say that Erich Fromm's Marx's Concept of Man introduced the young Marx to America and provided the dominate interpretation of this thinker for the students of the New Left." "…Fromm gave the humanitarian, idealist, and romantic proponents of the New Left a Marx they could love."  (Stephen Erik Bronner, Of Critical Theory and its Theorists)  We are now living in the world they dreamed of.  A Godless, Fatherless world run by "the children of disobedience," doing unconscionable things in the name of "Democracy."  President Reagan stated that he did not leave the democratic party, but that the democratic party had left him.  The same can be said of the Republican party today.

"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient [not decent];"  Romans 1:28

From beginning to end, history has been over the Father's authority.  From the Garden, with man rejecting the Heavenly Father's authority, to the Flood with Noah restoring the Heavenly Father's authority, to his decedents' rejecting the Father's authority, to God restoring the earthly father's authority (culture) at the Tower of Babel, with Abraham restoring the Heavenly Father's authority, with Israel, choosing Caesar, the earthly father's authority instead of Jesus, restoring the Heavenly Father's authority, i.e.  with the gospel message presenting the Heavenly Father's authority around the world, with the coming of the Antichrist (with the spirit of Antichrist, i.e. the "contemporary church," i.e. the Fatherless "church") rejecting the earthly and Heavenly Father's authority (where we are today), with Jesus returning to restore His Heavenly Father's authority throughout eternity, the whole history of civilization has been over the Father's authority, with the Heavenly Father's authority being the main issue from the beginning to the end.  "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (Matthew 24: 38, 39) "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your father, which is in heaven." "For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."  "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven."  Matt.23:9; 12:50; 7:21  Jesus summed it up in the temple when he was twelve: "I must be about my Father's business."

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2013-2017